Friday, 14 September 2012

Sample Reasoning Questions Asked During Any Interview

Here are some reasoning questions which are commonly asked during any job interview:

Q1. There is a light bulb in the first floor, which is a completely closed room with only 1 door, and there are three switches in the ground floor. Which is the correct switch to switch on the light bulb? (You can only visit this room once.)

Q2. Two fathers take their sons to a stroll to a fruit stall. Each one of them bought an apple. But when they reached home, they only had 3 apples. They did not eat, throw, or forgot it at the stall or anywhere. How is this possible?

Q3. A surgeon has to treat 3 patients with deep wounds, but he has only two pairs of surgery gloves. There should be no blood contact between the patients. How will the surgeon treat his patients?


A1. Turn on the first switch, then wait for ten minutes. Turn it off and turn on the second one, and go upstairs. If the bulb is glowing, then it's the second switch. If the bulb is warm when it is touched, then      
it is the first switch. If it is neither, then it is the third switch.

A2. Two fathers in the sense a father and a grand father, and their sons in the sense a son and a grand son.

A3. The surgeon wears both pairs of gloves at the same time and performs the first surgery. He then takes
off the 1st pair, inverts it, keeps it on the table to dry, and performs the second surgery. He then wears the inverted gloves and performs the third surgery.

Friday, 7 September 2012

The Previous Classes

Before I started this blog, we already had a couple of classes, which were interesting of course.

It was about a guy named "Nikola Tesla", a super GEEK.
When studying Physics (Not my subject), have you ever come across the term "Alternating Current" or "AC"?
It was this guy who invented it.

You say that Father of Electric Age was Thomas Edison?

Dawg, please! It was Tesla!!

Let me ask you another thing. Who was the person who INVENTED "Radio"? Was it:

a) Marconi, or

The correct answer is.......... Tesla!!!

Marconi was the person who TESTED it and here is their conversation.

Here are some SHOCKING facts:

1)The person who invented RADAR?

2)Discovery of X-Rays?

3)Discovery of Hydroelectricity?
..... Tesla.

4)Discovery of "resonant frequency"?!?! (Google "resonant frequency" if you don't know about it)
AGAIN Tesla.

5)Inventor of "Earthquake Machine"?!
...... IT, WAS, TESLA!!!!!!

6)Ever knew what Thomas Edison actually was?
"Douche bag".

(All the above content was taken from Wikipedia(tm) and

What do you guys think about it? Is it true, or not? That's what's ToK is about!! :D

Well, that's it for now. Until next time, folks!


Sorry, but I forgot to add one of his most famous Inventions, the "Tesla Coil", which can absorb electricity through AIR!!!!

Here is a video on the BIGGEST Tesla Coil, known as "Tesla Tower".

Thursday, 6 September 2012

The Beginning

Hey guys! Sai Kiran here. It's been over a month since I joined IB Diploma Programme and, believe me, its a mind blowing course!

This is my first blog and it's on one of my subjects, ToK, or, Theory of Knowledge.
What is ToK you ask? Google it! lol

(Whack! Bam!)

Y-you want me to explain? O-okay, let me put it in simple words.

ToK is a CRAZY subject where you will learn everything about everything, including famous persons like Nikola Tesla, etc..

You even do crazy inventions like this one here!!

Today, we were asked by our ToK teacher to make a blog on this subject and maintain it like a diary.
We were also asked to research about Monsanto and Vandana Shiva, and learned that genetically engineered plant's seeds cannot grow again if planted.

That's all for today!

Please keep visiting my blog for more fun stuff!!